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Fathers home Alone (Väter allein zu Haus)

Fathers home Alone (Väter allein zu Haus)

Dramedy 2018 to 2020 Das Erste

"Fathers home Alone" tells a story of love, unity and friendship. Something that sounds simple - yet can be so incredibly difficult - especially between husband and wife. And especially when that couple has become a family. At the center of the story are four fathers: Mark, Gerd, Timo and Andreas. These very different men have come to realize that the classic family image is no longer practicable for them - and each has their own answers on how to make time both for their responsibilities and their need for personal development .

In their eyes, they’re world champions at making family life work for them – but most of the time they’re making it up as they go along and, no matter how good at that they might be, the business of family just keeps on being difficult.
