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Scene of the Crime - Cologne (Tatort Köln)

Scene of the Crime - Cologne (Tatort Köln)

Crime since 1997 Das Erste

Produced for WDR, Crime Scene: Cologne and is now firmly established as one of Germany’s most successful and popular ratings-winning crime dramas.

Max Ballauf (Klaus J. Behrendt) completed his special training with a drug trafficking unit in Florida. The one-time golden boy returns to Cologne as a critical and aloof investigator with a sharp eye for the limitations of law enforcement. This quiet loner and eternally single man then encounters family man Freddy Schenk (Dietmar Bär), who feels ignored in his ambition to become head of the murder squad. Schenk loves his food and old classic cars, and attaches great importance to being well dressed. Over the course of their long-term cooperation the duo’s initial differences are smoothed out, but this in no way implies that the department is always peaceful. They regularly clash over investigations and their operations rarely remain conflict-free, but in their pursuit of Cologne’s criminals, Max and Freddy also become firm friends.

On Sundays, 8:15 pm Das Erste
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Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Supporting Actor in a Series or Movie Collection Dietmar Bär nominated
Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Movie Collection
1Live Krone Special Award
Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Actor in a Movie Collection Klaus J. Behrendt nominated
4. Marler TV Award for human rights Minenspiel nominated
Goldener Gong Special achievements in radio and television "Kindstod"
Deutscher Fernsehpreis Beste Schauspielerin Nebenrolle Anna Thalbach in "Kindstod"
Deutscher Fernsehpreis Best Actor Series Klaus J. Behrendt & Dietmar Bär
Bund Deutscher Kriminalbeamter Honorary Commissioners Klaus J. Behrendt & Dietmar Bär

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