Set against the backdrop of a small-town hospital, this compelling drama focuses on the everyday stories of the personal and professional lives of the hospital staff, as well as the heartfelt stories of the patients in their care. At the centre is the family of clinician Johanna Lindner (Bettina Redlich) and her husband, Judge Thomas Lindner (Ralph Schicha). Clinic doctor Markus Lindner (Sven Waasner), Johanna's son, is preparing for his wedding to colleague Marie Egger (Nova Meierhenrich), who has just started as an assistant doctor. Joining them is Dr. Stefan Jung (Jan Hartmann), who wants to start again after a heavy blow of fate in Sonnenberg. The hospital team is completed by Dr. Roland Bernheimer (Michael Schiller), his wife, anaesthetist Shirley Wilson (Caroline Beil), and sisters Karen (Yvonne Burbach), Henriette (Annabel Faber) and Mesut (Sasa Kekez), who are under the strict supervision of head nurse Ursula (Marianne Rappenglück). But as they go about their work, what they don’t realise is that the hospital’s commercial director, Ralf Borowski (Martin Kaps), has sinister plans for the hospital that will involve them all.