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Bella Germania

Bella Germania

Drama 2017 to 2018 ZDF
Photo: Walter Wehner

Two women, two countries, two eras linked by fate: German fashion designer Julia and her Italian grandmother Giulietta - a woman Julia has never met. What connects both women is the most important man in their lives: Vincenzo, Juliet's father and Giulietta's son. His moving life story shows how deeply interwoven our generations are: all the freedom, the prosperity and the open borders that we enjoy today, are what our parents had to fight hard for.


8:15 pm ZDF
Broadcast Date
Bella Germania - Still 1
Bella Germania - Still 12
Bella Germania - Still 9
Bella Germania - Still 11
Bella Germania - Still 1

Foto: Walter Wehner

Cast & Crew

Executive Producer
Christina Christ, Tina Hechinger
Commissioning Editor
Alexander Bickel, Beate Bramstedt
Daniel Speck; Drehbuchbearbeitung: Robert Krause, Florian Puchert
Gregor Schnitzler
Director of Photography
Wolfgang Aichholzer
Natalia Belitski, Christoph Letkowski, Silvia Busuioc, Alessandro Bressanello, Kostja Ullmann, Stefan Kurt, Marleen Lohse, Andrea Sawatzki
Line Producer
Unit Production Manager
Sylvia Binder
Set Design
Petra Heim
Costume Design
Esther Amuser
Georg Korpás
Dominik Giesriegl
Georg Söring

Executive Producer