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Scene of the Crime - Münster (Tatort Münster)

Scene of the Crime - Münster (Tatort Münster)

Crime since 2002 Das Erste
Photo: Markus Tedeskino

Crime Scene: Münster is the most successful and popular Crime Scene format ever and enjoys cult status. Here, instinct meets ingenuity; in a city where bicycle theft is the most frequent offence, a fast-paced squad is not needed – what’s required are patient, skilled investigators, who can rid the city of the most devious criminals around. Detective Frank Thiel (Axel Prahl) and coroner Professor Karl-Friedrich Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) work together but with very contrasting styles. The ensemble cast also includes the wise Nadeshda Krusenstern (Friederike Kempter), Boerne's keen assistant Silke "Alberich" Haller (Christine Urspruch), and ageing prosecutor Wilhelmine Klemm (Mechthild Grossmann) alongside Thiel’s father Herbert (Claus D. Clausnitzer), a shrewd taxi-driver who has his ear to the ground.

On Sundays, 8:15 pm Das Erste
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Nominierung für den Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Supporting Actress in a Series or Movie Collection Mechthild Großmann nominated
Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Supporting Actres in a Series or Movie Collection Friederike Kempter
Nominierung für den Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Leading Actor in a Series or Movie Collection Jan Josef Liefers nominated
Nominierung für den Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Supporting Actress in a Series or Movie Collection Friederike Kempter nominated
Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Actor in a Movie Collection Jan Josef Liefers
Nominierung für den Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Actor in a Movie Collection Axel Prahl nominated
Nominierung für den Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Supporting Actress in a Series or Movie Collection Friederike Kempter nominated
Goldene Kamera Audience Award Axel Prahl & Jan Josef Liefers
Jupiter Award Best TV Actor Axel Prahl & Jan Josef Liefers
1Live Krone Special Award
Goldene Henne Acting Axel Prahl & Jan Josef Liefers
Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Actor in a Movie Collection Jan Josef Liefers
Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Actor in a Movie Collection Jan Josef Liefers
Nominierung für den Quotenmeter Fernsehpreis Best Actor in a Movie Collection Axel Prahl nominated

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